Flooring Coating GET COATED FXF 100 SAFETY DATA SHEET FXF 100 info flexrockcoatngs com 800 808 0414 FlexRockCoatings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System FlexRock Coatings Coatings 1 PRODUCT AND COMPANY COMPANY IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICATION Issue Date January 2018 Updated January 2021 PART A PRODUCT NAME FlexRock Coatings Coatings Part A PRODUCT NUMBER FX 100 A RECOMMENDED USE Industrial coating ingredient MANUFACTURER SUPPLIER 1040 S Gaylord St Suite 55 1040 Denver CO 80209 Denver 80209 24 HR EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Emergency Contact Number 800 808 0414 Non Emergency Phone Number 800 808 0414 2 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICATION Classi cation of the Substance or Mixture Classi cation GHS US Eye Irritant 2B H320 Label Elements GHS US Labeling Signal Word GHS US W Warning arning Hazard Statements GHS US H320 Causes eye irritation Precautionary Statements GHS US P264 Wash Wash exposed areas thoroughly after handling P305 P351 P338 If in eyes Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do Continue rinsing P337 P313 If eye irritation persists Get medical advice attention 3 COMPOSITION INFORMA COMPOSITION INFORMATION TION ON INGREDIENTS Chemical Name Plant Based Oil Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate Trade Secret Wt 30 60 30 60 1 5 CAS 8001 79 4 13397 24 5 Part A Page 1 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
www FlexRockCoatings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info FlexRockCoatings com Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System FlexRock Coatings Coatings PART A 4 FIRST AID MEASURES Description of First Aid Measures First aid Measures General Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person If you feel unwell seek medical advice show the label where possible First aid Measures After Inhalation When symptoms occur go into open air and ventilate suspected area First aid Measures After Skin Contact Remove contaminated clothing Drench affected area with water for at least 15 minutes First aid Measures After Eye Contact Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do Continue rinsing First aid Measures After Ingestion Rinse mouth Do NOT NOT induce vomiting Most important symptoms and effects both acute and delayed Symptoms Injuries Eye irritation Symptoms Injuries After Inhalation Not expected to present a signi cant inhalation hazard under anticipated conditions of normal use Symptoms Injuries After Skin Contact Contact None under normal conditions Symptoms Injuries After Eye Contact Causes eye irritation Symptoms Injuries After Ingestion If a large quantity has been ingested May cause nausea vomiting and diarrhea Indication of Any Immediate Medical Attention and Special Treatment Treatment Needed If medical advice is needed have product container or label at hand 5 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing Media Suitable Extinguishing Media Alcohol foam dr dryy chemical carbon dioxide water spray spray fog Unsuitable Extinguishing Media Do not use a heavy water stream Use of heavy stream of water may spread re Special Hazards Arising From the Substance or Mixture Fire Hazard Not ammable Explosion Hazard Product is not explosive Reactivity Stable at ambient temperature and under normal conditions of use Advice for Fire ghters Firefighting Instructions Exercise caution when ghting any chemical re Protection During Firefighting Do not enter re area without proper protective equipment including respiratory protection Part A Page 2 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System FlexRock Coatings Coatings PART A 6 ACCIDENT ACCIDENTAL AL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautions Protective Equipment and Emergency Emergency Procedures General Measures Caution this product can cause the oor to be very slippery slippery For Non emergency Personnel Personnel Protective Equipment Use appropriate personal protection equipment PPE Emergenc Emergencyy Procedures Evacuate unnecessary unnecessar y personnel For Emergency Responders Protective Equipment Equip cleanup crew with proper protection Emergenc Emergencyy Procedures Ventilate area Environmental Precautions Prevent entry to sewers and public waters Methods and Material for Containment and Cleaning Up Up For Containment Absorb and or contain spill with inert material then place in suitable container container Methods for Cleaning Up Clear up spills immediately and dispose of waste safely safely Reference to Other Sections See heading 8 Exposure Controls and Personal Protection 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING MIX WELL BEFORE USE Provide suitable extraction ventilation at processing machines machines and avoid skin eye contact STORAGE Keep container in cool well ventilated place Keep containers tightly closed Storage Period 12 Months Precautions for Safe Handling Hygiene Measures Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety procedures Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating drinking or smoking and again when leaving work Do not eat drink or smoke when using this product Conditions for Safe Storage Inc Including luding Any An y Incompatibilities Storage Conditions Store in a dry dry cool and well ventilated place Keep container closed when not in use Incompatible Products Strong oxidizers Storage Temperatur Temperature e In bulk store at about 5 10 C above melting point or at ambient temperature Storage Area Temperature higher than necessary necessar y degrades quality at rates dependent on time and temperature of exposure Part A Page 3 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System FlexRock Coatings Coatings PART A 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS PERSONAL PROTECTION PROTECTION Control Parameters Parameters No Occupational Exposure Limits OELs have been established for this product or its chemical components Exposure Controls Personal Protective Equipment Gloves Safety glasses Hand Protection Wear chemically resistant protective gloves The breakthrough time of the selected gloves must be greater than the intended use period Eye Protection Chemical goggles or safety glasses Respiratory Protection In case of inadequate ventilation wear respiratory respirator y protection Other Information Information When using do not eat drink or smoke 9 PHY PHYSICAL SICAL AND CHEMICAL CHEMICAL PROPERTIES FLASH POINT POINT METHO METHOD D 229 C c c PHYSICAL STA STATE TE Liquid solid suspension ODOR ODOR Oily COLOR Varied pH Not applicable PERCENT VOLATILE VOLATILE Not Determined VAPOR DENSITY DENSITY Heavier than air BOILING POINT POINT 300 C 572 F MEL MELTING TING POINT POINT Not Determined SOLUBILITY IN WA WATER Insoluble ENTHALPY OF VAPORIZA VAPORIZATION TION Not Determined SPECIFIC GRAVITY GRAVITY 1 2 VISCOSITY VISCOSITY Not Determined 10 ST STABILITY ABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABLE Chemically stable under normal and anticipated storage and handling conditions STABLE HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZA POLYMERIZATIO TION N No HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS Black smoke oxides of carbon oxides of sulfur sulfur CONDITIONS TO TO AVOID None INCOMP INCOMPA ATIBLE MATERIALS MATERIALS Strong oxidizers Part A Page 4 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System FlexRock Coatings Coatings 11 TOXICOLOGIC TOXICOLOGICAL AL INFORMATION INFORMATION PART A Information On Toxicological Toxicological Effects Acute Toxicity Toxicity Not classi ed Skin Corrosion Irritation Corrosion Irritation Not classi ed Serious Eye Damage Irritation Damage Irritation Causes eye irritation Respiratory or Skin Sensitization Sensitization Not classi ed Germ Cell Mutagenicity Not classi ed Carcinogenicity Not classi ed Reproductive Toxicity Toxicity Not classi ed Specific Target Organ Toxicity Single Exposure Not classi ed Specific Target Organ Toxicity Repeated Exposure Not classi ed Aspiration Hazard Not classi ed Symptoms Injuries After Inhalation Not expected to present a signi cant inhalation hazard under anticipated conditions of normal use Symptoms Injuries After Skin Contact Contact None under normal conditions Symptoms Injuries After Eye Contact Causes eye irritation Symptoms Injuries After Ingestion If a large quantity has been ingested May cause nausea vomiting and diarrhea 12 ECOLOGIC ECOLOGICAL AL INFORMATION INFORMATION GENERAL COMMENTS Do not allow undiluted product or large quantities of it to reach ground water water water bodies or sewage system Toxicity oxicity No additional information available Persistence and Degradability Castor Oil Persistence and degradability not established Bioaccumulative Potential Potential Castor Oil Bioaccumulative potential not established Mobility in Soil No additional information available Other Adverse Effects Other Information Avoid release to the environment 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS CONSIDERATIONS DISPOSAL METHOD Dispose of in accordance with local state and federal regulations PRODUCT DISPOSAL DISPOSAL In accordance with local authority regulations take to special waste incineration plant EMPTY CONTAINER CONTAINER DISPOSAL If empty contaminated containers are recycled or disposed of the receiver must be informed about possible hazards Part A Page 5 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System FlexRock Coatings Coatings PART A 14 TRANSPOR TRANSPORTT INFORMATION INFORMATION DOT DEPARTMENT DOT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT TRANSPORTA ATION PROPER SHIPPING NAME Not Regulated PRIMARY HAZARD CLASS DIVISION N A UN NA NUMBER N A PACKING GROUP GROUP N A 15 REGULA REGULATORY TORY INFORMATION INFORMATION UNITED STA STATES OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION STANDARD STANDARD This product is Not Hazardous as defined y the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard SARA TITLE III SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZA REAUTHORIZATION TION ACT 311 312 HAZARD CATEGORIES CATEGORIES FIRE NO REACTIVITY REACTIVITY NO NO ACUTE YES 313 REPORTABLE REPORTABLE INGREDIENTS This product contains no SARA Title III Section 313 listed chemicals PENNSYLVANIA PENNSYL VANIA RIGHT TO KNOW COMPONENTS Plant Based Oil 8001 79 4 Calcium Sulfate dihydrate 13397 24 5 NEW JERSEY RIGHT TO KNOW COMPONENTS COMPONENTS Plant Base Oil Oil 8001 79 4 Calcium Sulfate dihydrate 13397 24 5 MASSACHUSETTS RIGHT TO KNOW COMPONENTS Calcium Sulfate dihydrate dihydrate 13397 24 5 TSCA TOXIC SUBSTANCE CONTROL ACT TSCA REGULATORY REGULATORY All intentional ingredients are listed in the TSCA Inventory 16 OTHER INFORMATION INFORMATION PREPARED BY GreenKoat Solutions LLC DATE Updated January 2021 MANUFACTURER DISCLAIMER The information contained herein is based on data believed to be reliable by GreenKoat Solutions Solutions LLC It is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge but is not intended to be all inclusive Users should consider this information as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make their own determination of suitability and completeness to assure proper safe use and disposal of these materials Part A Page 6 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings Safety Data Sheet GreenKoat Part B Issue date April 18 2019 1 PRODUCT AND COMPANY COMPANY IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME FlexRock Coatings Coatings Part B PRODUCT NUMBER FX 100 B RECOMMENDED USE Industrial coating ingredient MANUFACTURER SUPPLIER GreenKoat Solutions Solutions LLC 1040 10 40 S Gaylord St Suite 55 Denver CO 80209 Denver 80209 24 HR EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS Emergency Contact Number 800 808 0414 Non Emergency Phone Number 800 808 0414 2 HAZARDS IDENTIFICA IDENTIFICATION Hazard classi cation GHS classi cation in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 1200 Acute toxicity Category Category 4 Inhalation Skin irritation Category Category 2 Eye irritation Category Category 2B Respiratory sensitisation Category Category 1 Skin sensitisation Category Category 1 Speci c target organ toxicity single exposure Category Category 3 Speci c target organ toxicity repeated exposure Category Category 2 Inhalation Label elements Hazard pictograms Signal word DANGER DANGER Hazards Part B Page 1 FlexRock Coatings www FlexRockCoatings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info FlexRockCoatings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings Causes skin and eye irritation May cause an allergic skin reaction Harmful if inhaled May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing dif culties if inhaled May cause respiratory irritation May cause damage to organs Respiratory Respiratory Tract through prolonged or repeated repeated exposure if inhaled Precautionary statements Prevention Do not breathe dust fume gas mist vapors spray spray Wash skin thoroughly after handling Use only outdoors or in a well ventilated area Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace Wear protective gloves In case of inadequate ventilation wear respiratory respira tory protection Response IF ON SKIN Wash with plenty of soap and water water IF INHALED Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing Call a POISON CENTER doctor if you feel unwell IF IN EYES EYES Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do Continue rinsing If skin irritation or rash occurs Get medical advice attention If eye irritation persists Get medical advice attention If experiencing respiratory symptoms Call a POISON CENTER doctor CENTER doctor Take off contaminated clothing and wash before reuse Storage Store in a well ventilated place Keep container tightly closed closed Store locked up Disposal Dispose of contents container to an approved waste disposal plant plant 3 COMPOSITION INFORMATION INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Synonyms Polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate Chemical Name Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate isomers and homologues Wt 99 100 4 4 Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate 30 50 CAS 101 68 8 is an isomer of CAS CAS 9016 87 9 CAS 9016 87 9 EINECS N A 101 68 8 N A Part B Page 2 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings 4 FIRST AID MEASURES General advice First Aid responders should pay attention to self protection and use the recommended protective clothing chemical resistant gloves splash protection If potential for exposure exists refer to Section 8 for speci c personal protective equipment Inhalation Move person to fresh air air If not breathing give arti cial respiration if by mouth to mouth use rescuer protection pocket mask etc If breathing is dif cult oxygen should be administered by quali ed personnel Call a physician or transport to a medical facility facility Skin contact Remove material from skin immediately by washing with soap soap and plenty of water water Remove contaminated contaminated clothing and shoes while washing Seek medical attention if irritation irritation persists W Wash ash clothing clothing before reuse An MDI skin decontamination study demonstrated demonstrated that cleaning very soon after exposure is important and that a polyglycol based skin cleanser or corn oil may be more effective than soap and water water Discard items which cannot be decontaminated including leather articles articles such as shoes belts and watchbands Suitable emergency safety shower facility should be available in work area Eye contact Immediately ush eyes with water remove contact lenses if present after the rst 5 minutes then continue ushing eyes for at least 15 minutes Obtain medical attention without delay delay preferably from an ophthalmologist Suitable emergency eye wash facility should be immediately available Ingestion If swallowed seek medical attention Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel Most important symptoms and effects both acute and delayed Aside from the information found under Description of rst aid measures above and Indication of immediate immediate medical attention and special treatment needed below below any additional important symptoms and effects are described in Section 11 Toxicology Information Information Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Notes to physician Maintain adequate ventilation and oxygenation oxygenation of the patient May cause respiratory respiratory sensitization or asthma like symptoms Bronchodilators expectorants and antitussives may be of help Trea reatt bronchospasm with inhaled beta2 agonist and oral or parenteral corticosteroids Respirator Respiratoryy symptoms including pulmonary edema may be delayed Persons receiving signi cant exposure should be observed 24 48 hours for signs of respiratory respiratory distress If you are sensitized to diisocyanates consult your physician regarding working with other respiratory respiratory irritants or sensitizers Treatment of exposure should be directed at at the control of symptoms and the clinical clinical condition of the patient patient Excessive exposure may aggravate aggravate preexisting asthma and other respiratory respiratory disorders e g emphysema bronchitis reactive airways dysfunction syndrome Part B Page 3 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet xRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings 5 FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable extinguishing media Water fog or ne spray spray Dry chemical re extinguishers Carbon dioxide re extinguishers Foam Alcohol resistant foams ATC ATC type are preferred General purpose synthetic foams including AFFF or protein foams may function but will be less effective Unsuitable extinguishing media Do not use direct water stream May spread re Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture Hazardous combustion products During a re smoke may contain the original material in addition to combustion products of varying composition which may be toxic and or irritating irritating Combustion products may include and are not limited to Nitrogen oxides Isoc Isocyyanates Hydrogen cy cyanide Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards Material reacts slowly with water water releasing carbon dioxide which can cause pressure buildup and rupture of closed containers Elevated temperatures temperatures accelerate this reaction Container may rupture from gas generation in a re situation Violent steam generation or eruption may occur upon application application of direct water stream to hot liquids Dense smoke is produced when product burns Advice for re ghters Fire Fighting Procedures Keep people away away Isolate re and deny unnecessary entry entry Stay upwind Keep out of low areas where gases fumes can accumulate Water is not recommended but may be applied in large quantities as a ne spray when other extinguishing agents are not available Do not use direct water stream May spread re Fight Fight re from protected location or safe distance Consider the use of unmanned hose holders or monitor nozzles Immediately withdraw all personnel from the area in case of rising sound from venting safety device or discoloration of the container container Move container from re area if this is possible without hazard Use water spray to cool re exposed containers and re affected zone until re is out Contain re water run off if possible Fire water run off if not contained may cause environmental damage Review the Accidental Release Measures and the Ecological Information sections of this M SDS Special protective equipment for re ghters Wear positive pressure self contained breathing apparatus SCBA and protective re ghting clothing includes includes re ghting helmet coat trousers boots and gloves Avoid contact with this material during re ghting operations If contact is likely likely change to full chemical resistant re ghting clothing with selfcontained breathing apparatus apparatus If this is not available wear full chemical resistant clothing with self contained breathing apparatus and ght re from a remote location location FFor or protective equipment in post re or non re clean up situations refer to the relevant sections Part B Page 4 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings 6 ACCIDENT ACCIDENTAL AL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions protective equipment and emergency procedures Isolate area Keep unnecessary unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering the area Keep personnel out of low areas Keep upwind of spill Spilled material may cause a slipping hazard Ventilate area of leak or spill If available available use foam to smother or suppress Refer to section 7 Handling for additional precautionary measures See Section 10 for more speci c information information Use appropriate appropriate safety equipment FFor or additional information information refer to Section 8 Exposure Controls and Personal Personal Protection Environmental precautions Prevent from entering into soil ditches sewers waterways and or groundwater groundwater See Section 12 Ecological Information Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up Contain spilled material if possible Absorb with materials such as Dirt Vermiculite Sand Clay Clay Do NOT use absorbent materials materials such as Cement powder Note may generate heat heat Collect in suitable and properly labeled open containers Do not place in sealed containers Suitable containers include include Metal drums Plastic drums Polylined ber pacs W Wash ash the spill site with large quantities of water water Attempt to neutralize by adding suitable decontaminant solution Formulation 1 sodium carbonate 5 10 liquid detergent 0 2 2 water to make up to 100 OR Formulation Formulation 2 concentrated ammonia solution 3 8 liquid detergent 0 2 2 water to make up to 100 If ammonia is used use good ventilation to prevent vapor exposure Contact your supplier for clean up assistance See Section 13 Disposal Considerations Considerations for additional information 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE Precautions for safe handling Avoid contact with eyes Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin Avoid breathing vapor Wash thoroughly after handling Use with adequate vapor adequate ventilation Keep container closed This material is hygroscopic in nature See Section 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION Spills of these organic materials on hot brous insulations may lead to lowering of the autoignition temperatures temperatures possibly resulting in spontaneous combustion Conditions for safe storage Store in a dry place Protect from atmospheric moisture Do not store product contaminated contaminated with water to prevent potential hazardous reaction See Section 10 for more speci c information Additional storage and handling information on this product may be obtained by calling your sales or customer service service contact Storage stability Storage temperature 15 35 C 59 95 F Storage Period Period 6 Month Part B Page 5 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings 8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS PERSONAL PROTECTION PROTECTION Control parameters Exposure limits Component 4 4 Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate Regulation Dow IHG Dow IHG ACGIH OSHA Z 1 Type of listing TWA STEL TWA C Value Notation 0 005 ppm 0 02 ppm 0 005 ppm 0 2 mg m3 0 02 ppm Exposure controls Engineering controls Use only with adequate ventilation Local exhaust ventilation may be necessary for some operations Provide general and or local exhaust ventilation to control airborne levels below below the exposure guidelines Exhaust systems should be designed to move the air away from the source of vapor aerosol generation generation and people working at this point The odor and irritancy of this material are inadequate to warn of excessive exposure Individual protection measures Eye face protection Use chemical goggles Skin protection Hand protection Use gloves chemically resistant to this material Examples ofpreferred glove barrier materials include Butyl rubber Polyethylene rubber Polyethylene Chlorinated polyethylene Ethyl vinyl vinyl alcohol laminate EVAL EVAL Examples of acceptable glove barrier materials include Viton Neoprene Polyvinyl Polyvinyl chloride PVC or vin vinyl yl Nitrile butadiene rubber nitrile or NBR NOTICE The selection of a speci c glove for a particular application a pplication and duration of use in a workplace should also take into account all relevant workplace factors such as but not limited to Other chemicals which may be handled physical requirements cut puncture protection dexterity dexterity thermal protection potential body body reactions to glove materials as well as the instructions speci cations provided by the glove supplier supplier Other protection Use protective clothing chemically resistant to this material Selection of speci c items such as face shield boots apron or full body suit will depend on the task Respiratory protection Atmospheric levels should be maintained below belo w the exposure guideline When atmospheric levels may exceed the exposure guideline use an approved air purifying air purifying respirator respira tor equipped with an organic vapor sorbent and a particle particle lter lter For situations where the atmospheric levels may exceed the level for which an air purifying air purifying respirator is effective use a positivepressure air supplying air supplying respirator air line or self contained breathing apparatus a pparatus For emergency emergency response or for situations where the atmospheric level is unknown use an approved positive pressure self contained breathing apparatus or positive pressure air line with auxiliary self contained air supply supply The following should be effective types of air purifying air purifying respirators vapor cartridge with a particulate pre lter pre lter Part B Page 6 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings 9 PHY PHYSICAL SICAL AND CHEMICAL CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance Physical state Color Odor Odor Threshold pH Melting point range Freezing point Boiling point 760 mmHg Flash point Evaporation Rate Rate Butyl Acetate 1 Flammability solid gas Lower explosion limit Upper explosion limit Vapor Pressure Relative Vapor Density air 1 Relative Density water 1 Water solubility Partition coef cient nOctanol water Auto ignition temperature Decomposition temperature Dynamic Viscosity Kinematic Viscosity Explosive properties Oxidizing properties Molecular weight Liquid Brown Musty 0 4 ppm Based on Literature for MDI Odor is inadequate warning of excessive exposure Not applicable Not applicable forms crystals below below 10 C Literature decomposes prior to boiling closed cup 204 C 399 F Literature No test data available Not Applicable No test data available No test data available 0 00001 mmHg at 25 C 77 F Literature 8 5 Literature 1 23 at 25 C 77 F 25 C Literature insoluble reacts evolution of CO2 Reacts with water water 600 C 1 112 F Literature No test data available 160 240 mPa s at 25 C 77 F ASTM D4889 No test data available Not explosive No No test data available NOTE NO TE The physical data presented above are typical values values and should not be construed as a specification 10 ST STABILITY ABILITY AND REACTIVITY Reactivity Diisocyanates react with many materials materials and the rate of reaction increases with temperature as well as increased contact these reactions can become violent Contact is increased by stirring or if the other material mixes with the diisocyanate Diisoc Diisocyyanates are not soluble in water and sink to the bottom but react slowly at at the interface The reaction forms carbon dioxide gas and a layer of solid polyurea Reaction with water will generate carbon dioxide and heat heat Chemical stability Stable under recommended storage conditions See Storage Section 7 Part B Page 7 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet GreenKoat Gr eenKoat Surface Coating System FlexRock Coatings PART B Possibility of hazardous reactions Can occur occur Exposure to elevated temperatures can cause product to decompose and generate gas This can cause pressure build up and or rupturing of closed containers Polymerization can be catalyzed by Strong bases Water ter Conditions to avoid Exposure to elevated temperatures can cause product to decompose Generation of gas during decomposition can cause pressure in closed systems Pressure build up can be rapid Avoid moisture Ma Material terial reacts slowly with water water releasing carbon dioxide which can cause pressure buildup and rupture of closed containers Eleva Elevated ted temperatures accelerate this reaction Incompatible materials materials Avoid contact with Acids Alcohols Amines Water Water Ammonia Bases Metal compounds Moist air Strong oxidizers Diisocyanates react with many materials air materials and the rate of reaction increases with temperature as well as increased contact these reactions can become violent Contact is increased by stirring or if the other material mixes with the diisocyanate Diisoc Diisocyyanates are not soluble in water and sink to the bottom but react slowly at at the interface The reaction forms carbon dioxide gas and a layer of solid polyurea Reaction with water will generate carbon dioxide and heat Avoid contact with metals such as Aluminum Zinc Brass Tin Copper Copper Galvanized metals Avoid contact with absorbent materials such as Moist organic absorbents Avoid unintended contact with polyols The reaction of polyols and isocyanates generate heat Hazardous decomposition products Decomposition products depend upon temperature air supply and the presence of other materials Gases are released during decomposition 11 TOXICOLOGIC TOXICOLOGICAL AL INFORMATION INFORMATION Acute toxicity Acute Oral Toxicity Toxicity Low toxicity if swallowed s wallowed Small amounts swallowed swallowed incidentally as a result of normal handling operations are not likely to cause injury injury however however sswallowing wallowing larger amounts may cause injury injury Typical for this family of materials LD50 Rat 10 000 mg kg Acute Dermal Toxicity Toxicity Prolonged skin contact is unlikely to result in absorption of harmful amounts Typical for this family of materials LD50 Rabbit 9 400 mg kg Acute Inhalation Toxicity Toxicity At room temperature vapors are minimal due to low volatility volatility However However certain operations may generate vapor or mist concentrations concentrations suf cient to cause respiratory respiratory irritation and other adverse effects Such operations include those in which the material is heated sprayed or otherwise mechanically dispersed such as drumming venting or pumping Excessive exposure may cause irritation to upper respiratory respiratory tract nose and throat and lungs May cause pulmonary edema uid in the lungs Effects may be delayed Decreased lung function has been associated with overexposure to isocyanates Part B Page 8 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings LC50 Rat 4 Hour Hour dust mist 0 49 mg l For similar material s 4 4 Methylenediphen 4 4 Methylenediphenyl yl diisocyana diisocyanate te CAS 101 68 8 LC50 Rat 1 Hour Hour Aerosol 2 24 mg l For similar material s 2 4 Diphen 2 4 Diphenylmethane ylmethane diisocyana diisocyanate te CAS 5873 54 1 LC50 Rat 4 Hour Hour Aerosol 0 387 mg l Skin corrosion irritation Prolonged contact may cause slight skin irritation with local redness May stain skin Serious eye damage eye irritation May cause moderate eye irritation May cause slight temporary corneal injury injury Sensitization Skin contact may cause an allergic skin reaction Animal studies have shown that that skin contact with isocyanates may play a role in respiratory respiratory sensitization May cause allergic respiratory reaction Reexposure to extremely low low isocyana isocyanate te concentrations may cause allergic respiratoryy reactions in individuals already sensitized Asthma like symptoms may include coughing dif cult breathing respirator and a feeling of tightness in the chest Occasionally Occasionally breathing dif culties may be life threatening threatening Effects may be delayed Speci c Target Target Organ Systemic Toxicity Toxicity Single Exposure May cause respiratory irritation Route of Exposure Inhalation Target Organs Respira Respiratory tory Tract Tract Speci c Target Target Organ Systemic Toxicity Toxicity Repea Repeated ted Exposure Tissue injury in the upper respiratory respiratory tract and lungs has been observed in laboratory laboratory animals after repeated excessive exposures to MDI polymeric MDI aerosols Carcinogenicity Lung tumors have been observed observed in laboratory laboratory animals exposed to respirable aerosol droplets of MDI Polymeric MDI Polymeric MDI 6 mg m3 for their lifetime Tumors occurred concurrently with respiratory respiratory irritation and lung injury injury Current exposure guidelines are expected to protect against these effects reported for MDI Teratogenicity In laboratory laboratory animals MDI polymeric MDI did not cause birth defects other fetal effects occurred only at at high doses which were toxic to the mother mother Reproductive toxicity No relevant data found Part B Page 9 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings Mutagenicity Genetic toxicity data on MDI are inconclusive MDI was weakly positive in some in vitro studies other in vitro studies were negative Animal mutagenicity studies were predominantly negative negative Aspiration Hazard Based on physical properties not likely to be an aspiration hazard 12 ECOLOGIC ECOLOGICAL AL INFORMATION INFORMATION Toxicity Acute toxicity to sh The measured ecotoxicity is that of the hydrolyzed product generally under conditions maximizing production of soluble species Material is practically non toxic to aquatic organisms on an acute basis LC50 EC50 EL50 LL50 100 mg L in the most sensitive species tested LC50 Danio rerio zebra sh static test 96 Hour Hour 1 000 mg l OECD Test Guideline 203 or Equivalent Acute toxicity to aquatic invertebrates EC50 Daphnia magna Water ea sta static tic test 24 Hour Hour 1 000 mg l OECD Test Guideline 202 or Equivalent Acute toxicity to algae aquatic plants NOEC Desmodesmus subspicatus green algae sta static tic test 72 Hour Hour Growth rate inhibition 1 640 mg l OECD Test Guideline 201 or Equivalent Toxicity to bacteria EC50 activated sludge sta static tic test 3 Hour Hour Respiration rates 100 mg l Toxicity to soil dwelling organisms EC50 Eisenia fetida earthworms 14 d 1 000 mg kg Toxicity to terrestrial plants EC50 Avena sativa oats oa ts Gro Growth wth inhibition 1 000 mg l EC50 Lactuca sativa lettuce Gro Growth wth inhibition 1 000 mg l Persistence and degradability Biodegradability In the aquatic and terrestrial environment material reacts with water water forming predominantly insoluble polyureas which appear to be stable In the atmospheric environment material is expected to have a short tropospheric half life based on calculations and by analogy with related related diisocyana diisocyanates tes 10 day Window Not applicable Biodegradation 0 Exposure time 28 d Part B Page 10 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings Method OECD Test Guideline 302C or Equivalent Bioaccumulative potential potential Bioconcentration factor BCF BCF 92 Cyprinus carpio Carp 28 d Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate isomers and homologues Bioaccumulation Bioconcentration potential is low low BCF 100 or Log Po Pow 3 Reacts with water water In the aquatic and terrestrial environment movement is expected to be limited by its reaction with water forming predominantly insoluble polyureas Bioconcentration factor BCF 92 Cyprinus carpio Carp 28 d 4 4 Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate Bioaccumulation Bioconcentration potential is low BCF 100 or Log Pow 3 Reacts with water wa ter In the aquatic and terrestrial environment movement is expected to be limited by its reaction with water forming predominantly insoluble polyureas Bioconcentration factor BCF 92 Cyprinus carpio Carp 28 d Mobility in soil soil In the aquatic and terrestrial environment movement is expected to be limited by its reaction with water forming predominantly insoluble polyureas 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS CONSIDERATIONS Disposal methods DO NOT DUMP INTO ANY SEWERS ON THE GROUND OR INTO ANY BODY BODY OF WA WATER TER All disposal practices must be in compliance with all Federal Federal State Provincial and local laws laws and regulations Regulations may vary vary in different locations Waste characterizations and compliance with applicable laws are the responsibility solely of the waste generator generator AS YOUR SUPPLIER WE HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES OR MANUFACTURING MANUFACTURING PROCESSES OF PARTIES PARTIES HANDLING OR USING THIS MATERIAL MATERIAL THE INFORMATION INFORMATION PRESENTED HERE PERT PERTAINS ONLY ONLY TO THE PRODUCT AS SHIPPED IN ITS INTENDED CONDITION AS DESCRIBED IN SDS SECTION Composition Information FOR UNUSED UNCONTAMINA UNCONTAMINATED TED PRODUCT PRODUCT the preferred options include sending to a licensed permitted Recyc Recycler ler Reclaimer Incinera Reclaimer Incinerator tor or other thermal destruction device For additional information refer to Handling Storage Information SDS Section 7 Stability Reactivity Information SDS Section 10 Regulatory Information SDS Section 15 14 TRANSPOR TRANSPORTT INFORMATION INFORMATION DOT Proper shipping name UN number number Class Packing group Reportable Quantity Environmentally hazardous substance liquid n o s MDI UN 3082 9 III MDI Classi cation for SEA transport IMO IMDG Not regulated for transport Part B Page 11 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings Transport in bulk Consult IMO regulations before transporting ocean bulk according to Annex I or II of MARPOL 73 78 and the IBC or IGC Code Classi cation for AIR transport IAT IATA ICAO Not regulated for transport This information is not intended to convey all speci c regulatory regulatory or operational requirements information requirements information relating to this product Transportation classi cations may vary vary by container volume and may be in uenced by regional or country variations in regulations Additional transportation system information information can be obtained through an authorized sales or customer service representative representative It is the responsibility of the transporting organization organization to follow all applicable laws laws regulations and rules relating to the transportation transportation of the material 15 REGULA REGULATORY TORY INFORMATION INFORMATION Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 Title III Emergency Emergency Planning and Community Right toKnow Act of 1986 Sections 311 and 312 Acute toxicity any route of exposure Skin corrosion or irritation Serious eye damage or eye irritation Respiratoryy or skin sensitisation Respirator Speci c target organ toxicity single or repeated exposure Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 Title III Emergency Emergency Planning and Community Right toKnow Act of 1986 Section 313 This product contains the following substances which are subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and which are listed in 40 CFR 372 Components CASRN Diphenylmethane Diisocyanate isomers and homologues 9016 87 9 4 4 Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate 101 68 8 Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 CERCLA Section 103 Calculated RQ exceeds reasonably attainable upper limit Components CASRN 4 4 Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate 101 68 8 RQ RCRA Code 5000 lbs RQ Pennsylvania Worker Worker and Community Right To Know Right To Know Act To the best of our knowledge this product does not contain chemicals at levels which require reporting under this statute Part B Page 12 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings California Prop Prop 65 This product does not contain any chemicals known to State State of California to cause cancer birth defects or any other reproductive harm United States TSCA Inventory TSCA All components of this product are in compliance with the inventory listing requirements of the U S Toxic Substances Control Act TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory Inventory 16 OTHER INFORMATION INFORMATION PREPARED BY GreenKoat Solutions LLC DATE Updated January 2021 MANUFACTURER DISCLAIMER The information contained herein is based on data believed to be reliable by GreenKoat LLC It is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge but is not intended to be all inclusive Users should consider this information as a supplement to other information gathered gathered by them and must make their own determination of suitability and completeness to assure proper safe use and disposal of these materials ACGIH C Dow IHG OSHA Z 1 STEL TWA USA ACGIH Threshold Limit Values TLV TLV Ceiling Dow Industrial Hygiene Guideline USA Occupational Exposure Limits OSHA Table Table Z 1 Limits for Air Contaminants Short term exposure limit Time weighted average Full text of other abbreviations AICS Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances ASTM American Society for the Testing of Materials Materials bw Body weight CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act CMR Carcinogen Mutagen or Reproductive Toxicant DIN Standard of the German Institute for Standardisation DOT Department of Transportation Transportation DSL Domestic Substances List Canada ECx Concentration associated with x response EHS Extremely Hazardous Substance ELx Loading rate associated with x response EmS Emergency Schedule ENCS Existing and New Chemical Substances Japan ErCx Concentration associated associated with x growth rate response ERG Emergency Response Guide GHS Globally Harmonized System GLP Good Laboratory Laboratory Practice HMIS Hazardous Materials Identi cation System IARC International Agency Agency for Research on Cancer IAT IATA International International Air Transport Transport Associa Association tion IBC International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk IC50 Half maximal inhibitory concentration concentration ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization Organization IECSC Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods IMO International Maritime Organization Organization ISHL Industrial Safety and Health Law Japan ISO International International Organisation for Standardization KECI Korea Existing Chemicals Inventory LC50 Lethal Concentration Concentration to 50 of a test population LD50 Lethal Dose to 50 of a test population Median Lethal Dose MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration n o s Not Otherwise Speci ed NFPA NFPA National Fire Protection Association Part B Page 13 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com
Safety Data Sheet FlexRock Coatings System PART B FlexRock Coatings NO A EC No Observed Adverse Effect Concentration Concentration NO A EL No Observed Adverse Effect Level NOELR No Observable Effect Loading Rate Rate NTP National Toxicolog oxicologyy Program NZIoC New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals OECD Organization for Economic Co operation and Development OPPTS Of ce of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention PBT Persistent Bioaccumulative and Toxic Toxic substance PICCS Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances Q SAR Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship RCRA Resource Conservation Conservation and Recovery Recovery Act REACH Regulation EC No 1907 2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration Evaluation Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals RQ Reportable Quantity SADT Self Accelerating Self Accelerating Decomposition Temperature SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act SDS Safety Data Data Sheet TCSI Taiwan Chemical Substance Inventory TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act United States UN United Nations UNRTDG United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods vPvB Very Very Persistent and Very Bioaccumulative Part B Page 14 FlexRock Coatings www flexrockcoatnings com 800 800 808 0414 808 0414 info flexrockcoatnings com