Toughest Seamless Roof Coating Available!Fluid Applied Reinforced Roof Systems15YEARYEARWARRANTYWARRANTYROOF REPLACEMENT ALTERNATIVETHAT WILL SAVE YOU THOUSANDSBeats ALLtraditional roof coatings HANDS DOWN on durability, turnaround time and cost!Brochure and Pricing GuideJune 2022
From homes to apartmentcomplexes to shopping malls toschools, FlexRock Coatings™ isthe solutionSeamless and Waterproof1Buy Online at FlexRockCoatings.com3x ADHESION OF OTHERROOF COATINGS AC and Duct work repairGreat for metal seam repairsRepair torch down roofingBonds to cementitious roofsFlashing RepairEPDM Repair
Easy Apply Roll OnFluid Applied Reinforced Roof SystemsUV ResistantOdorless Zero VOC. Repair Almost Any Commercial Flat Roof. Ponding water has no effect on FlexRock Coatings. Self-leveling, super-adhesive, waterproof,sustainable, and fast-curing.Provides waterproof protection.Stands up to permanent ponding water withoutbubbling, peeling, or breaking down.Stays flexible and maintains adhesion.Installing a new roof can be a long, expensiveand disruptive endeavor versus applying aquality liquid roof coating.Extreme adhesion, can be apppliedwithout pressure washing, preventingany further water damage.Why wouldn’t you GET COATED?No Facility Downtime2Adhesion is extremely important,especially on roofs that are prone toponding | 800.808.0414 |
BeforeAfter"We own a number of commercial properties and shopping mallsup a down the front range. Using FlexRock Coatings to resurfaceour flat roofs has saved us over half of the cost of roof replacement".John A, Centennial, COSave over 80% vs. the cost of replacementFluid Applied Reinforced Roof Systems3FLEXROCK FXR-100FLEXROCK | 800.808.0414 |
ESTIMATED TENSILE STRENGTH - ASTM D412: 900 PSI (6MPa)PULL-OFF STRENGTH FROM STEEL - ASTM D4541: 1000 PSI with 95-100% cohesiveESTIMATED ELONGATION - ASTM D412: 50-100%HEAT RESISTANCE - CONTINUOUS: 212F / 100CMINIMUM SERVICE TEMPERATURE: - 20 to - 40 F / - 30 to - 40 CWATER ABSORPTION - ASTM D570:0.3% - 30 g/m2 @ 185F / 85C for 30 days.PERM RATING - ASTM D1653: USA PERM rating of 5 PERMS for 0.030 to 0.050 inches thicknessVOC Compliant in all 50 states.Food-grade and environmentally benign.Made of natural products, plant based oil, natural minerals and hemp.Incredibly durable in the harshest of weather conditions and atmosphericpollution.Strongly bonds to metal, asphalt, fiberglass, wood, concrete, brick, block inseconds.98 -100% adhesion compared to just 50% for epoxy.Tensile and bond strengths are the same.Autobonds 100% to previous FlexRock Coatings™ applications with notime limit.Remains flexible with 50 - 100% elongation protecting againstexpansion/contraction stress.Thermal and electrical insulating properties. Dries in 24 hours.This material is:GET COATEDSTRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEMKEY BENEFITSIdeal for metal roofs, fiberglass, cap sheets, torch down, composite roofs, agedasphalt roofs, concrete roofs, barrel tile, urethane foams, flat roofs, mobile homes,RV's and campers.4
BeforeAfterAfterThe ease of installation can save you time and money with your newFlexRock Coatings roof. The application is quick, odorless and can beapplied with usually no business interruptions.Save your roof and save money5
|Fills cracks before curing to get adeep penetration and bonds tosurface with outstanding adhesionOutstanding Adhesion and SuperDurability For Your Flat Roof. FlexRock Coating is VOC-free,BPA-free, odorless, bleed blocking.Seamless and WaterproofSeams and penetrations are the primary sources of leaks in roof systems.FlexRock Coatings™ eliminates this vulnerability. Since the FlexRockCoatings™ mixture is applied as a liquid, it can fill gaps, seams, andcracks in the existing roof and substrate.GET COATEDSTRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEM6
STRONGER THAN CONCRETESTRONGER THAN EPOXYThe FlexRock Coatings™ system combines plant based oil (agriculture) minerals and hempto create an incredibly durable coating. Our manufacturing process (100% made in theUSA) is completely earth friendly. Food-grade and environmentally benign. VOC Compliantin all 50 States. Strongly bonds to metal, asphalt, fiberglass, wood, concrete, brick, block.Self leveling properties. Remains flexible with 50 - 100% elongation protecting againstexpansion/contraction stress. Drys in 24 hrs! FlexRock Coatings™ is a super versatile solution. It can be applied extra thick for added RoofCoating protection. Since there is no maximum mil thickness the user is not limited to a coveragerate. The amount applied beyond the recommended minimum coverage of 32 mil applied willsimply add more protection.Typical coverage rate on a flat smooth surface: One FlexRock 5-Gal Kit Covers 150-250 Sq ft offlat smooth surfaces. Sq Ft/Kit 32 ml @ 250 Sq. *Depending on technique & surface condition. Coverage rates can vary depending on the type of roof substrate, surface condition andapplication technique.Molecularly Bonds To Surfaces FlexRock Coatings™ is made from renewable plant basedoils, natural minerals and hemp. Creating a flexible chemicalbond.Strongly bonds to metal, asphalt, fiberglass, wood, concrete, brick, and most roofing substrates in | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.com715YEARYEARWARRANTYWARRANTY
GET COATED8Extreme adhesion, can be appplied withoutpressure washing, preventing any further waterdamage.Zero Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP)Zero in the Emission of Volatile OrganicCompounds (VOCS)Free from Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS)Ultra-Low Global Warming Potential (GWPEasily applied to complex and awkwarddetails or areas that are difficult to accessAfter thorough preparation, apply FlexRockCoatings™ onto your existing roof surface.Within hours the FlexRock™ solidifies forminga continuous leak-proof seal. No seams. Nogaps. No points of failure. And no way for waterto ever get in again.Resistance to traffic, hail,animal, and other types ofdamage. Deduct 100% of the project costs this year.You can write off every penny you spend withFlexRock Coatings System is 100% tax deductible.STRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING | 800.808.0414 |
Withstands thermal and structural movement bridges cracks and gaps9 FlexRock Coatings™ is super flexible, highlyprotective and has passed forward and reverse impact tests.ECO FRIENDLYECO FRIENDLYSTRONG BY NATUREZero VOCs Since FlexRock Coatings™ base has no solvents, itinstalls and dries very quickly even through many layers becauseof its autobonding properties. This thicker system (30 to100+ mils)is perfect for filling surface cracks and imperfections.Adhesion FlexRock Coatings™ is 2x-3x stronger than epoxy andbonds to virtually any substrate in seconds. Bonds to metal,asphalt, fiberglass, wood, concrete, brick, block, asphalt and more.CostFlexibllity FlexRock Coatings™ is very cost effective. It applieseasily and requires no use of potentially contaminating and expensivesolvents to dispose of. The overall life cycle costs are much lower.PerformanceDurabilityand ThicknessEnvironmentHealthand Safety FlexRock Coatings™ manufacturing process (100%made in the USA) is completely earth friendly. Made from plantbased oil, natural minerals and the added strength of | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comFLEXROCK FXR-100
Comparative Roofing Systems1037 to 60 Shore DAThicker is better, 10x thicker!HardnessRating40-50 Shore MaximumThicknessCold WeatherRepairsCuring Time Only 24 Hrs, Cures Super Fast Can take up to 1-2 weeksdepending on amount appliedNo off-gassing or evaporation. 100% solidcures consistently throughout.FlexRock Coatings™ will changecolor, but will not be degraded byUV exposure. UV ResistanceOther single ply systems tend tochalk and degrade each year.Silicone edges tend to curl withUV exposure.Durometer Testing (Hardness Testing)Shore D is used for hard rubber and plastics.Bowling Ball / Epoxy – Hardness! Automobile Tire– HardnessSPF roofing requires a highdegree of technical knowledgeand experience.Easy OfInstallationEasy Roll On, no specialequipment requiredSPF does not have as high ofresistance to punctures or damage.Typical acrylic coatings can onlybe applied in temperaturesabove 50°FWill cure at temperatureseven below freezing. Many other coatings will crackand delaminate and potentiallywon't cure properly when thicklyapplied. Other Roof CoatingsVS.No maximum thickness. Getsstronger with every mil applied.FLEXROCK | 800.808.0414 |
S q . F t . P e r K i t 1 5 0 Skylights curbs Parapet wallsFilling ponding areasFill gaps, seamsDamaged rough surface 45 mil coverageS q . F t . P e r K i t 1 7 5Flat Smooth Surface 32-36 mil coverageS q . F t . P e r K i t 2 0 0 - 2 5 0Fill and bond cracks and blistersMechanical PenetrationsAC and Duct work repairGreat for metal seam repairsSemi Rough Surfaces 42 mil coverageT h e h e a v y - d u t y o p t i o n i s p e r f e c t f o rf i l l i n g c r a c k s a n d i m p e r f e c t i o n s . g i v e sy o u m o r e m a t e r i a l t o a d d m o r ep r o t e c t i o n t o s o m e o f t h e w e a k p a r t so f y o u r r o o f . L i k e p o n d i n g w a t e rp r o b l e m s , a n d e x t r a p r o j e c t i o n f o rm e c h a n i c a l p e n e t r a t i o n s , c u r b s a n d ao v e r a l l t h i c k e r e n c a p s u l a t i o n .
Flexible Rock Coating is super versatile it can be applied extra thick for added Roof Coatingprotection. Since there is no maximum mil thickness the user is not limited to a coverage rate. The amount applied beyond the recommended minimum coverage of 32 mil applied will simplyadd more protection.Typical coverage Rate on a flat smooth surface. One FlexRock Base 5-Gal Kit Covers 200-250Sq ft of flat smooth surfaces. Sq. Ft/Kit 32 ml @ 250 Sq. *Depending on technique & surfacecondition. Coverage rates can vary depending on the type of roof substrate, surface condition andapplication technique.ECO FRIENDLYECO FRIENDLYSTRONG BY NATUREZero VOCs15YEARYEARWARRANTYWARRANTY1-3636 +Number of Kits Kit Cost$347.00$312.00Plus ShippingPlus Shipping
Our factory-direct program is straightforward and designed to save you money ECO FRIENDLYECO FRIENDLYSTRONG BY NATUREZero VOCsAPPLICATORNETWORKSave over 80% vs. the costof roof replacementBuy Online at FlexRockCoatings.comOnline How to VideosSave Money and DIY Online Training and | 800.808.0414 |