25YEARYEARWARRANTYWARRANTYOur factory-direct program is straightforward and designed to save you money Toughest Seamless Roof Coating Available!Fluid Applied Reinforced Roof SystemsROOF REPLACEMENT ALTERNATIVETHAT WILL SAVE YOU THOUSANDSBeats ALLtraditional roof coatings HANDS DOWN on durability, turnaround time and cost!10/2022
Fluid Applied Reinforced Roof SystemsFLEXROCK FX-10025 Year Warranty System3x ADHESION OF OTHERROOF COATINGS 25YEARYEARWARRANTYWARRANTYFX-HYBRID SEALERSTRONG BY NATUREZero VOCsECO FRIENDLYECO FRIENDLYRoll OnSpray Onor2-3x stronger than other roof coatings.Bonds molecularly to almost any surfacewith 98% adhesion.Self-leveling, fills cracks and blisters toeliminate leaks and pooling.No max mil thickness.Better than SilconeHybrid Spur TechnologyHigh SolidsReflective, CRRC RatedNo Solvents, Low OdorSingle ComponentResists Ponding WaterCures in Damp ConditionsRoll On Product Removed
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THERE IS NO COMPARISON TO THE FX-100 ECO FRIENDLYECO FRIENDLYSTRONG BY NATUREZero VOCsWhat makes FX-100 of one of kind? Fluid Applied Reinforced Roof SystemsUnlike single component coating products that only bridge over problemareas, FX-100, Repairs the substrate creates a chemical bond and fills inblisters and cracks.FRX-100 is engineered to be a fluid applied reinforcement system.Designed to repair while simultaneously encapsulating the roof.The application is quick, odorless and can be applied withoutinterruptions.Eco Friendly, Virtually No Odor, Zero VOC FX-100 is the only factory direct roof coating product of its kind.Repair vs Covering OverFX-100 Gets stronger with every mil applied..FX-100 has no maximum mil thickness vs. Single-component coatings thathave a tendency to crack and delaminate when thickly applied and may notcure properly as well.FlexRockCoatings.com | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.com3X StrongerAdhesionZero Odor Zero VOC'sEasy ApplicationWater Proof
Buy Online at FlexRockCoatings.com3x ADHESION OF OTHERROOF COATINGS FLEXROCK FX-100Easy Apply Roll OnSave your roof and save moneyAC and Duct work repairGreat for metal seam repairsRepair torch down roofingBonds to cementitious roofsFlashing RepairEPDM RepairStrongly bonds to metal, asphalt, fiberglass, wood, concrete, brick, and most roofing substrates in seconds.FLEXROCKFLEXROCKAfterBefore
GET COATEDFlexRockCoatings.com | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comZero Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP)Zero in the Emission of Volatile OrganicCompounds (VOCS)Free from Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS)Ultra-Low Global Warming Potential (GWP)Easily applied to complex and awkwarddetails or areas that are difficult to accessDeduct 100% of the project costs this year.You can write off every penny you spend withFlexRock Coatings System is 100% tax deductible.STRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEMFLEXROCK FX-100Installing a new roof can be a long, expensiveand disruptive endeavor versus applying aquality liquid roof coating."The team at FlexRock has been a pleasure to work with.Excellent customer service, with some of the fastest turnaroundtimes in the industry. Flexrock Coating products are extremelydurable, and we have used them on many of our customers'roofing projects." Berks Commercial Roofing, MEFLEXROCKFLEXROCKAfterBefore
FlexRock Coatings™ is flexible, highly protective andhas passed forward and reverse impact tests.ECO FRIENDLYECO FRIENDLYSTRONG BY NATUREZero VOCs Since FlexRock Coatings™ base has no solvents, itinstalls and dries very quickly even through many layers becauseof its autobonding properties. This thicker system (30 to100+ mils)is perfect for filling surface cracks and imperfections.Adhesion FlexRock Coatings™ is 2x-3x stronger than epoxy andbonds to virtually any substrate in seconds. Bonds to metal,asphalt, fiberglass, wood, concrete, brick, block, asphalt and more.CostFlexibllity FlexRock Coatings™ is very cost effective. It applieseasily and requires no use of potentially contaminating and expensivesolvents to dispose of. The overall life cycle costs are much lower.PerformanceDurabilityand ThicknessEnvironmentHealthand Safety FX-100 manufacturing process (100% made in theUSA) is completely earth friendly. Made from plant based oil,natural minerals and the added strength of hemp.FlexRockCoatings.com | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comFLEXROCK FX-100Self-leveling, fills cracks and blisters to eliminate leaks and pooling.
|Fills cracks before curing to get adeep penetration and bonds tosurface with outstanding adhesionOutstanding Adhesion and SuperDurability For Your Flat Roof. FlexRock Coating is VOC-free, BPA-free, odorless, bleed blocking.Seamless and WaterproofSeams and penetrations are the primary sources of leaks in roof systems.FlexRock Coatings™ eliminates this vulnerability. Since the FlexRockCoatings™ mixture is applied as a liquid, it can fill gaps, seams, andcracks in the existing roof and substrate.GET COATEDSTRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEMFLEXROCK FX-100
BeforeAfterAfterThe ease of installation can save you time and money with your newFlexRock Coatings roof. The application is quick, odorless and can beapplied without business interruptions.Save your roof and save moneyFLEXROCK FX-100
ESTIMATED TENSILE STRENGTH - ASTM D412: 900 PSI (6MPa)PULL-OFF STRENGTH FROM STEEL - ASTM D4541: 1000 PSI with 95-100% cohesiveESTIMATED ELONGATION - ASTM D412: 50-100%HEAT RESISTANCE - CONTINUOUS: 212F / 100CMINIMUM SERVICE TEMPERATURE: - 20 to - 40 F / - 30 to - 40 CWATER ABSORPTION - ASTM D570:0.3% - 30 g/m2 @ 185F / 85C for 30 days.PERM RATING - ASTM D1653: USA PERM rating of 5 PERMS for 0.030 to 0.050 inches thicknessVOC Compliant in all 50 states.Food-grade and environmentally benign.Made of natural products, plant based oil, natural minerals and hemp.Incredibly durable in the harshest of weather conditions and atmosphericpollution.Strongly bonds in seconds to metal, asphalt, fiberglass, wood, concrete,brick and cinder block.98 -100% adhesion compared to just 50% for epoxy.Tensile and bond strengths are the same.Autobonds 100% to previous FlexRock Coatings™ applications with notime limit.Remains flexible with 50 - 100% elongation protecting againstexpansion/contraction stress.Thermal and electrical insulating properties. Dries in 24 hours.This material is:GET COATEDSTRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEMKEY BENEFITSIdeal for metal roofs, fiberglass, cap sheets, torch down, composite roofs, agedasphalt roofs, concrete roofs, barrel tile, urethane foams, flat roofs.FLEXROCK FXR-100CHEMICAL BONDMolecularly Bonds To Surfaces FLEXROCK FX-100
GET COATEDSTRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEMEXTRA HEAVY DUTYSkylights curbs Parapet wallsFilling ponding areasFill gaps, seamsDamaged rough surface 45 mil coverage +-MEDIUM COVERAGET H E H E A V Y - D U T Y O P T I O N I S P E R F E C T F O R F I L L I N G C R A C K SA N D I M P E R F E C T I O N S . G I V E S Y O U M O R E M A T E R I A L T O A D DM O R E P R O T E C T I O N T O S O M E O F T H E W E A K P A R T S O F Y O U RR O O F . L I K E P O N D I N G W A T E R P R O B L E M S , A N D E X T R AP R O T E C T I O N F O R M E C H A N I C A L P E N E T R A T I O N S , C U R B S A N DA O V E R A L L T H I C K E R E N C A P S U L A T I O N .Fill and bond cracks and blistersMechanical PenetrationsAC and Duct work repairGreat for metal seam repairsSemi Rough Surfaces 42 mil coverage +-Flat Smooth Surface 36-40 mil coverageLIGHT COVERAGEO N E F L E X R O C K 5 - G A L K I T C O V E R S A P R O X 1 2 5 - 2 0 0 S Q F T C O V E R A G E R A T E S C A N V A R Y D E P E N D I N G O N T H E T Y P E O FR O O F S U B S T R A T E , S U R F A C E C O N D I T I O N A N D A P P L I C A T I O NT E C H N I Q U E .COVERAGE GUIDEFLEXROCK FX-100Fluid Applied Reinforced Roof SystemsSq. Ft. Per Kit 150 +-Sq. Ft. Per Kit 175 +-Sq. Ft. Per Kit 200+-
200 ft.² QUICK COVERAGE GUIDEFX-814 32 mils250 ft.² 16-17 mils total dry filmthickness will result fromapplying the recommended32 mills: wet thickness(applied in two coats)Copolymer Coating - Liquid RubberThis product is a synthetic rubber coatingthat transforms most existing roofmembranes into an attractive and highlyreflective surface. This coating isrecommended for most common roofsubstrates; wood, 16metal, EPDM, APP,TPO, and Hypalon. Top CoatRoll OnSpray OnorRoll OnTop CoatTOP COATSMilsProduct DescriptionFR-100 CoveragePer 5-Gal125-200ft.² 40 + mils40-45 milsFluid Applied Reinforced SystemsAcrylic Self-PlasticizingSuper versatile it can be applied extra thick foradded Roof Coating protection. By applyingmore than the minimum, you simply add moreprotection and extend the lifespan even further.This thicker system is perfect for filling cracksand imperfections. A chemical bond is formedbetween FlexRock and the roof, creating awaterproof casement.Coverage rates can vary depending on the type of roof substrate, surface condition and application technique.We recommend aminimum of 40 mills ofcoverage. Sq. Ft/Kit 40ml @ 200 ft.²Acrylic self-plasticizing monolithic roofcoating that withstands UV light,temperature extremes, mildew and normalfoot traffic. This flexible membrane willaccomodate building movement withoutcracking or splitting.FR-812 22-25 mils total dry filmthickness will result fromapplying the recommended32 mills: wet thickness(applied in two coats)Not Not recommended: application, over thirdbase roofing, EPDM, rubber or ponding water.Roll OnSpray Onor Product Removed
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Hybrid Sealer Bleed BlockerCoveragePer 5-Gal200 ft.² 40 mils500 ft.² Coating should be evenlyapplied at a rate of 2.5galper 100sq-ft (40mil).QUICK COVERAGE GUIDE16 milsRoll OnSpray OnorSPUR Hybrid TechnologyBleed Blocker PrimerBond It Asphalt Bleed Blocker is aone-part, high-solids, solvent-freebleed blocking primer that driesquickly, and creates a monolithicbarrier when preparing asphalt andbitumen surfaces as part of a BondIt Roof Seal system.This high performance formulation is solvent-free, low odor and non-flammable, Zeroshrinkage single-stage, moisture cure,monolithic roof coating that can be built up ina single pass. Will always auto bond to its selfBase coat should be aminimum of 16 wet mils(1.0 gal per 100 sq-ft) andshould be completely dryprior to installation of asecond coat or top coat.Roll OnSpray OnorTop CoatPrimerCoverage rates can vary depending on the type of roof substrate, surface condition and application technique.FX-HYBRID SEALERBetter than Silcone25YEARYEARWARRANTYWARRANTYHybrid roof coating is superior to silicone roofcoatings because it has a unique auto-bondingfeature. This means that it can bond with a widerange of substrates without the need for aprimer. In contrast, silicone coatings require aprimer to bond properly, which can add timeand cost to the coating process. With Hybrdcoating, the auto-bonding feature ensures astronger and more durable bond, resulting in alonger-lasting coating and improved protectionfor your roof.Roll OnSpray Onor Product Removed
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Roll On or Spray On25YEARYEARWARRANTYWARRANTYLiquid Membrane with up to a 25 Year WarrantyFX-HYBRID SEALERFX-Hybrid SealerHybrid Spur Technology High Solids Reflective, CRRC Rated No Solvents, Low Odor Single Component Resists Ponding WaterCures in Damp ConditionsSPUR HybridTechnologyBased on hybrid technology with superior adherence to a wider variety of substrates.Can be applied on damp, wet surfaces and in the rain.Longer lasting than low- or high-solids silicone, zero shrink.NO PRIMER NEEDED on metal, wood, concrete, brick, stone, polyester, etc.Easy to apply Primer available for bitumen surfaces.No downsides or limitations, only better performance. Product Removed
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Available SizesHybrid Roof Seal is a professional-gradehybrid roof coating. The high performanceformulation is solvent-free, low odor andnon-flammable, making it safer to use thanoxime or alkoxy-based silicones andpolyurethanes. Hybrid Roof Seal is a single-stage, moisture cure, monolithic roofcoating that can be built up in a singlepass. Hybrid Roof Seal is suitable for low-slope and zero-slope roofs, and is part ofour Hybrid roof restoration system withavailable asphalt bleed blocker and masticsealant.Product UseProvides outstanding water resistance,weatherproofing characteristics, self-leveling properties, and is crackbridging, non-shrinking, and non-cracking.It can be used to extend the life of existingroof systems or for roof patches and repairsto many common roofing materials.Application / InstructionsMix well before use. Ambient temperatureduring application must be above 40°F(5°C) unless used with the available ColdWeather Accelerator. Coating should beevenly applied at a rate of 2.5gal per 100sq-ft (40mil). Coverage will vary according toporosity of substrate to be restored. Asphaltic surfaces must be fully andcompletely coated with Asphalt BleedBlocker as per instructions. Any gaps incoverage can lead to product failure.Please refer to Hybrid Roof Seal installationguide prior to beginning any work.Features & BenefitsHybrid Roof SealTechnical Data SheetHybrid Spur Technology High Solids Reflective, CRRC Rated No Solvents, Low Odor Single Component Resists Ponding WaterCures in Damp ConditionsPhysical PropertiesPackaging & Ordering InformationTypical Cure Time @ 70°F 10-12 hoursSkin Time60 minutesApplication Temperature 41°F to 130°FService Temperature-22°F to 203°FShore A Hardness40 +/- 4Elongation250%Tensile Strength216 PSITensile Strength w/ Reinforcing Mat340 PSICode ColorSize BarcodeHRS2WHWhite5.0gal810030760191HRS5WHWhiteWhite55gal 810030760511HRS55WH 275gal -2 gal5 gal 55 gal275 galInfo@flexrockcoatings.com | www.flexrockcoatings.com | (800) 808-0414FlexRock Coatings™ is an authorized distributor of Bond-It FX-HYBRID SEALER
Available SizesInfo@flexrockcoatings.com | www.flexrockcoatings.com | (800) 808-0414Features & BenefitsAsphalt Bleed BlockerBleed Blocking Primer for Asphaltic/Bituminous SubstratesTechnical Data SheetHigh Solids AcrylicEasy to useSolvent-FreeQuick DryOdorlessPhysical PropertiesPackaging & Ordering InformationTypical Cure Time @ 70°F 2-4 hoursApplication Temperature 40°- 80°FSpecific Gravity1.25 g/cmElongation200%Shelf Life12 monthsCode ColorSize BarcodeRSABB5Hi-Vis Blue5.0gal81003076019155gal 810030760511275gal -2 gal5 gal 55 gal275 galBond It Asphalt Bleed Blocker is aone-part, high-solids, solvent-freebleed blocking primer that driesquickly, and creates a monolithicbarrier when preparing asphalt andbitumen surfaces as part of a BondIt Roof Seal system.Product UseThe high-solids acrylic polymer formulablocks surface staining from asphalticsurfaces. Bond It Asphalt Bleed Blockeris breathable and flexible when cured,and oers exceptional adhesion toasphaltic surfaces. Color is a light blueto ensure uniform coverage even inbright daylight conditions.Application / InstructionsMix well before use. Ambient temperature duringapplication of primer mustbe above 40°F (5°C), with relativehumidity below 80% and no forecastedrain for at least 48 hours.Base coat should be a minimum of 16wet mils (1.0 gal per 100 sq-ft) andshould be completely dry prior toinstallation of a second coat or top coat.In cold weather, it may take up to 48hours for Asphalt Bleed Blocker to fullycure. Product will cure to a light blue.Surface texture and wind may aectcured mil thickness. Asphalt BleedBlocker should not be left exposedwithout a top coat for longer than 7days.If a second coat is required, this shouldonly be applied after first coat has fullycured.It is essential that asphaltic surfaces arefully and completely coated withAsphalt Bleed Blocker. Any gaps incoverage can lead to product failure.3Solids Content, Volume62%Hi-Vis BlueHi-Vis BlueRSABB55RSABB55FlexRock Coatings™ Distributor of Bond-It
FX-812 is an acrylic self-plasticizing monolithic roof coating that withstands UV light, temperatureextremes, mildew and normal foot traffic. This flexible membrane will accomodate building movementwithout cracking or splitting.The coating can be applied in one, two, or three coat applications. It can be brushed, rolled or sprayed.Available in a variety of colors and functions with or without fabric reinforcement.FX-812 Acrylic CoatingsStandard ColorsBeigeWhiteCarrier GrayColors are shown as close as possible. Due to screen and print limitations, you should consult an FlexRock associate for physical samples for the mostaccurate representation. Colors may vary from batch to batch and product to product. BlackNon-Standard Colors: The following non-standard colors require a minimum quantity purchase of 25 gallons.Acrylic Roof CoatingsNot Not recommended: application, over thirdbase roofing, EPDM, rubber or ponding water.BrownTile RedFlexRockCoatings.com | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.com
WhiteTile RedShadow GrayBlack Sky Gray Dark BlueSafety Yellow Blue 4820 Dark GreenBrownBeigeLt. TanThis product is a synthetic rubbercoating that transforms mostexisting roof membranes into anattractive and highly reflectivesurface. This coating isrecommended for most common roofsubstrates; wood, 16metal, EPDM,APP, TPO, and Hypalon. (Applicationover tar based roofing a bleedblocker is required)Product Benefits/Features:Excellent elongation and low temperature flexibilitySuperior adhesion propertiesExcellent tensile strength and UV resistanceAvailable in a variety of colorsWaterproofs flashingsReflects heat and sunlight (white)Copolymer Roof CoatingsFX-814 Copolymer Roof CoatingFlexRockCoatings.com | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comWhite color reflects sunlight,reducing energy bills by 6.97% Liquid Rubber CoatingCoverage Rate 250 Per 5 Gal
BeforeAfterFLEXROCK FX-100FLEXROCK FX-100"We own a number of commercial propertiesand shopping malls up a down the frontrange. Using FlexRock Coatings to resurfaceour flat roofs has saved us over half of thecost of roof replacement".John A, Centennial, COSave over 80% vs. the cost of replacementFluid Applied Reinforced Roof SystemsFlexRockCoatings.com | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.comNo Facility Downtime
FXA-815MACRYLIC ROOF CAULKING Roof CaulkingCaulkingFX-HYBRID SEALERFLEXROCK FX-100Buy Online at FlexRockCoatings.comBest in Class Top CoatsVisit our website to see entireproduct line. Bondit is a $5B+ company, bringing world-classinnovation and cutting-edge products atcompetitive pricesCheck out our full line ofFloor coating productsFLEXROCK FLOORINGReinforcement products
GET COATEDResistance to traffic, hail,animal, and other types ofdamage. Deduct 100% of the project costs this year.You can write off every penny you spend withFlexRock Coatings System is 100% tax deductible.STRONG BY NATURE • HIGH PERFORMANCE INDUSTRIAL COATING SYSTEM"We put the flex rock coating on a low pitch roof in Hoboken NJ and theproduct is amazing!!! We used it to solve some otherwise difficult roofingsolutions. Love the way you can build up the thickness of the product whenand where needed. Vertical adherence is amazing as well!" Joseph M. Hoboken NJ"FlexRock has been a game changer for with its extreme durability andease of install. As well as having little to 0 VOC’s or odors making itpossible to do installs with-in existing operations with minimal downtimes." Dylan P. Bangor ME"I have been in the construction industry for nearly 50 years. I am happy to havefound Flex Rock Coatings due to the ease of use, durability and especially theirlow VOC's. There is almost no smell to the product during application .Additionally the speed of curing is especially important when weather issuesthreaten." Cilsset LLC. COClient TestimonialsFlexRockCoatings.com | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.com
Our factory-direct program is straightforward and designed to save you money ECO FRIENDLYECO FRIENDLYSTRONG BY NATUREZero VOCsAPPLICATORNETWORKN E E D A N A P P L I C A T O R R O O F I N GCh o o s e Fu l l S e rv i c e I ns t a l l a ti o n f r omCo n t r a c to r s I n Y o u r A re aSave over 80% vs. the costof roof replacementBuy Online at www.FlexRockCoatings.comSave Money and DIY Online How to VideosOnline Training and ResourcesTMFlexRockCoatings.com | 800.808.0414 | info@FlexRockCoatings.com