GET COATED Exterior Deck TopCoat | 800-808-0414 | FlexRockCoatings.comFX-866T PIGMENTFX-866T PIGMENTSAFETY DATA SHEET1
SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME/CODES: FX-866T PIGMENT, Polyaspartic PigmentMANUFACTURER: National Polymers Inc. STREET ADDRESS: 9 Guttman Avenue CITY, STATE, ZIP: Charleroi, Pa. 15022 INFORMATION PHONE: 724-483-9300 EMERGENCY PHONE: Chemtrec 800-424-9300 FAX PHONE: 724-483-9306 PREPARED BY: Harry Jackson DATE REVISED: 9/13/18 Chemical Name or Class: Aliphatic Diamine Pigment SECTION 2: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Hazard Overview GHS Classification: Skin sensitizer category 1B, Chronic hazards to aquatic environment category 3 GHS Label Elements and Precautionary Statements: Label Elements: Exclamation Mark Warning: May cause an allergic skin reaction Harmful to aquatic environment with long lasting effects. Precautionary statements: P102 Keep out of reach of children. P103 Read label before use P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace. P280 Wear protective gloves and clothing to prevent skin contact. Response P302 + P352 IF ON SKIN: wash with plenty of soap and water. P333 + P313 IF SKIN irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. P362 + P364 take off contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. Disposal: P501 Dispose of contents/container to a waste disposal facility in accordance with local, state, federal or international laws Other Non-classifiable potential hazards Carcinogen category 2 HMIS HAZARD CLASSIFICATION HEALTH: 2 FLAMMIBILITY: 1 REACTIVITY: 0 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: G POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS EYES: High vapor concentrations can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, or throat. SKIN: Can cause irritation, irritation or allergic skin reaction. INGESTION: Liquid can cause damage to mucous membranes if swallowed. INHALATION: High concentrations of vapor can cause irritation to the respiratory tract, nausea, and dizziness. HEALTH HAZARDS (ACUTE AND CHRONIC): Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause asthma and skin sensitization or other allergic responses. MEDICAL CONDITIONS GENERALLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Respiratory conditions or other allergic ailments. FX-866T PIGMENT, POLYASPARTIC PIGMENT (for DECK COATINGS)2
CARCINOGENICITY OSHA: no NTP: no IARC: yes ADDITIONAL CARCINOGENICITY INFORMATION: Some colors may contain carbon black - Explanation Of Carcinogenicity: IARC MONOGRAPHS ON EVALUATION OF CARCINOGENIC RISK OF CHEMICALS TO MAN, VOL 65, PG 149, 1996: GROUP 2B. Titanium Dioxide is listed by IARC as possibly carcinogenic to humans (group 2B). SECTION 3: COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT CAS NO. OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV OSHA STEL WEIGHT % CYCLOALIPHATIC DIAMINE 136210-30-5 NE NE NE 30-60ALIPHATIC CARBOXYLIC ESTER 623-91-6 N/E NE NE 1-5Colors may contain @ 30-60%: Carbon black 1333-86-4 3.5 ppm 3.5 ppm none Titanium dioxide 13463-67-7 10mg/m3 10 mg/m3 5 mg/m3 pigment yellow 65 6528-34-3 N/E N/E N/E barium sulfate 7727-43-7 5mg/m3 N/E N/E zinc sulfide 1314-98-3 N/E N/E N/E copper 147-14-8 N/E N/E N/E chromium green compound 68909-79-5 5mg/m3 N/E N/E CI pigment yellow 42 20344-49-4 N/E N/E N/E ***NO TOXIC CHEMICAL(S) SUBJECT TO THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 313 OF TITLE III AND OF 40 CFR 372 ARE PRESENT. ***ORAL LD50 >2000MG/KG. PRODUCT IS ON TSCA INVENTORY. Note: Ingredients listed without percentages, the percentages are considered a trade secret. SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: Immediately flush with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes while lifting upper and lower lids, get immediate medical assistance. SKIN: Flush skin with water for at least 15 minutes and remove all contaminated clothing immediately. Get medical attention if reddening or swelling occurs. INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Get medical attention immediately. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air if effects persist and administer oxygen if necessary. SECTION 5: FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLAMMABLE LIMITS IN AIR, UPPER: N/A (% by volume) LOWER: N/A FLASH POINT: 145C METHOD USED: COC EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: FOAM, ALCOHOL FOAM, CO2, WATER FOG SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: TOXIC FUMES WILL BE EVOLVED WHEN THIS MATERIAL IS INVOLVED IN A FIRE. A SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS SHOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR FIRE FIGHTERS. COOL FIRE EXPOSED CONTAINERS WITH WATER. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Toxic and irritating gases/fumes may be given off during burning. SECTION 6: RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Avoid contact with material. Wear the appropriate safety equipment. Stop spill at source, dyke area to prevent spreading. Pump liquid to salvage tank. Take up remainder with clay or other absorbent and place in disposal containers. FX-866T PIGMENT, POLYASPARTIC PIGMENT (for DECK COATINGS)3
SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: Avoid all skin contact. Avoid breathing vapors. Reseal partially used containers. Properly label all containers. Wash with soap and water before eating, drinking, smoking, or using toilet facilities. Observe conditions of good industrial hygiene and safe working practices. OTHER PRECAUTIONS: Mixed materials contain the hazards of all the components, therefore, read the SDS of all components to become familiar with all hazards prior to using this product. SECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: NIOSH approved respirator protection required in the absence of proper environmental controls. For emergencies a self-contained breathing apparatus or a full face respirator is recommended. VENTILATION: Avoid breathing vapors. Ventilation must be sufficient to control vapors. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: Impervious gloves, neoprene or rubber. EYE PROTECTION: Splash proof goggles or safety glasses with side shields. OTHER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OR EQUIPMENT: Clean body covering clothing as well as apron footwear or other equipment should be used as deemed necessary to avoid contact with the material. WORK HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Observe general good hygienic practices. SEE SECTION THREE FOR OCCPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMIT VALUES SECTION 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE AND ODOR: COLORED LIQUID WITH SLIGHT ODOR BOILING POINT OR RANGE: 185C VAPOR DENSITY (AIR = 1): >1 SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H2O = 1): 1.6-1.8 EVAPORATION RATE: <1 (butyl acetate = 1) SOLUBILITY IN WATER: insoluble Odor Threshhold: N/A pH: N/A Melting point/freezing point: N/A Vapor Pressure: N/A Auto Ignition Temperature: N/A Partition Coefficient: n-octanol/water: N/A Decomposition Temperature: N/A SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID (STABILITY): Avoid contact with open flames and all sources of ignitions and sparks. INCOMPATIBILITY (MATERIAL TO AVOID): Avoid contact with strong oxidizing agents or materials. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION OR BY-PRODUCTS: CO, CO2, NOX, Amines, Nitrogen Oxides, Amines, and other Aliphatic By-Products. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur FX-866T PIGMENT, POLYASPARTIC PIGMENT (for DECK COATINGS)4
SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data for the product itself. Component data: Components CYCLOALIPHATIC DIAMINE CAS# 136210-30-5: (toxicity note: Toxicity data based on a similar product) Acute Oral Toxicity >2000 mg/kg (rat). Acute Inhalation Toxicity LC50 > 4224 mg/m3, 4 hr, (rat). Acute dermal Toxicity LD50 >2000 mg/kg (rat). Skin Irritation – irritating to skin (rabbit). Eye Irritation – slight irritant (rabbit). Sensitization Dermal: sensitizer (gunea pig, Magnusson/Kligman (maximization test)). Repeated Dose toxicity: Subacute oral toxicity: NOAEL: 1000 mg/kg (rat). Mutagenicity: Genetic Toxicity in Vitro: Salmonella/microsome test (Ames test) No indication of Mutagenic effects. Chromosome aberration test in vitro: negative. Genetic Toxicity in Vivo: Micronucleus test: negative (mouse) – negative. Component ALIPHATIC CARBOXYLIC ESTER CAS# 623-91-6: Acute Oral Toxicity LD50 >1,780 mg/kg (rat) Component Carbon: IARC lists carbon as a possible human carcinogen Category 2B. LD50 – Intravenous, mouse = 440 mg/kg Component Titanium Dioxide: Inhalation 4 h LC50 > 6.82 mg/l; Oral LD50 > 5000 mg/kg, rat; In February 2006, IARC listed titanium dioxide as possibly carcinogenic to humans Group 2B. SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data for the product itself. Component data: Component CYCLOALIPHATIC DIAMINE CAS# 136210-30-5 : (toxicity note: Toxicity data based on a similar product) 13% Exposure time: 28 days, i.e., not readily degradable (based on a comparable product). Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to fish: LC50: 66 mg/l (Danio rerio (zebra fish), 96 hr). Acute Toxicity to Aquatic Vertabras EC50: 88.6 mg/l (water flea), 48 hr). Toxicity to Aquatic Plants IC50: 113 mg/l (scenedesmus subspicatus, 72 hr). Toxicity to Microorganisms EC50: 3110 mg/l (activated sludge, 3 hr). . Component ALIPHATIC CARBOXYLIC ESTER CAS# 623-91-6: Biodegradation: 92-95%, i.e., readily biodegradable. Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish LC50: 38 mg/l (fathead minnow, 96 hr). Component Titanium Dioxide: Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) < 1000 mg/l @ 96h LC50; Pseudokirchneriella subcapitate (green algae) 61 mg/l @ 72h EC50; Daphnia magna (water flea) > 1000 mg/l @ 48h EC50 SECTION 13: WASTE DISPOSAL WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: DISPOSE OF MATERIAL AS A HAZARDOUS WASTE ACCORDING TO FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. SECTION 14: Transport Information DOT: Not RegulatedIMO/IMDG: Not Reguated SECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATIONNo data for the product itself. Component data: Component CYCLOALIPHATIC DIAMINE CAS# 136210-30-5 : OSHA Hazard rating : Hazardous.Component is listrd on the TSCA and Canada DSL lists. Component is listed on the Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and New Jersey Right to know lists. Component ALIPHATIC CARBOXYLIC ESTER CAS# 623-91-6: OSHA Hazard rating : Hazardous.Component is listrd on the TSCA and Canada DSL lists. Component is listed on the Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and New Jersey Right to know lists. Component Carbon: Contains Proposition 65 Chemicals .Carbon: is listed on TSCA and DSL Canada Component Titanium Dioxide: Contains Proposition 65 Chemicals, is on the PA Hazardous substance list, is on the NJ right to know Regulated chemical List. Titanium Dioxide is on inventory or in compliance with EINECS, TSCA, AICS, DSL, ENCS (JP), KECI (KR), PICCS (PH) and INV (CN. Component Barium Sulfate: : Listed on TSCA and DSL. Component C.I. Pigment blue 15 CAS# 147-14-8: Listed on TSCA and DSL. Iron hydroxide oxide CAS# 20344-49-4: This Component is listed on the Canada DSL, TSCA, EINECS, AICS, lists. Component Yellow Pigment 65 CAS# 6528-34-3: Not Hazardous as defined by OSHA HC Standard 29 CFR 1810.1200. Component zinc sulfide CAS# 1314-98-3: Not Hazardous as defined by OSHA HC Standard 29 CFR 1810.1200. Component Chromium green compound: Component is on the TSCA and Canada DSL lists. SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATION DISCLAIMER: THE INFORMATION HERE IN IS BASED ON THE DATA AVAILABLE AND IS BELIEVED TO BE ACCURATE, HOWEVER, THE MANUFACTURER MAKES NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF THIS DATA OR THE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE USE THEREOF. ACCORDINGLY, WE ASSUME NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR INJURY FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT. N/A = Not Available. See Section 1 for date of preparation FX-866T PIGMENT, POLYASPARTIC PIGMENT (for DECK COATINGS)5